Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Announcement - Montana 40Kon

The Montana 40Kon Is On.

Visit the less than steller but FREE site here:


Contained therein you will find all the informaiton you will need to know to attend and compete in this COMPETITIVE ORIENTED Event.

Hope to see most of you guys if you care to drive to the middle of Effing No-Where.

Thanks Guys!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Adepticon FA-WTF??!?!

So, rant time....

This time it is about what bothers me with the prevalancy of the Adepticon FAQ- CRAP.

Ok I'm aware that IF I go to Adepticon, I'll be using the Adepticon FAQ. I'm fine with that. It's their event and they are more than welcome and encouraged by me to use it and abide by it. It works for them.


If I am going to be running an event and have a player quote to me that a rule has been "FAQ'd" and I ask when, and they quote to me the Adepticon FAQ, I'll simply rule against them. Period.

I have NO OBLIGATION to use that thing in ANY event that I run. EVER.

But Why you may ask...

Well, I Just downloaded the 3.3 FAQ.

We'll start from the begining.

Page 1: Table of COntents.... Ok that works.
Page 2:

"Rulings that clarify an issue that has no conclusive RAW answer are noted as [clarifications].
Rulings that change the RAW because we feel playing that way is absurd, unfun, or goes against the style the vast majority of people play are noted as [rules change].
Situations where we feel the issue is clearly based on a typographical error are noted as [typo]."

So, if you can't figure out what the English (which the creators of the game speak fluently) version of the rules mean, you make a change.
If you don't like the rules you change them,
and because you can't use your brain in any gramatical fasion, you change the rules...


I'm paying an exorbinate ammount of money to play a game that is moderately well designed. and you change the rules. FUN.

So, lets look at some examples:


RB.22A.01 – Q: When models from two or more units are intermixed together, can these units simultaneously provide cover saves for each other from a single enemy firing unit?
A: Two or more intermixed units cannot simultaneously provide cover saves for each other against a single enemy firing unit. When such a situation occurs, the intermixed unit with a model closest to the firing unit does not count as being in cover from the unit(s) they are intermixed with [rules change].

First, this is not a rules change. Second, Duh, you measure from the firing unit to the closest model of the target unit. if there is another intervening model between them they get cover. if not, not. How is that hard? you don't measure to the farthest model. all you have to measure is if they are in range.
intervening models make it so that if you shoot through 1 squad to another. not to the back guy. It's part of the definition of INTERVENING.

PAGE 11:
"RB.48A.02 – Q: Can an Independent Character end its move within 2” of a unit it cannot join (like a vehicle)?
A: Yes they can, as otherwise it would be impossible for an IC to disembark from a vehicle that has already moved [rules change]."

seriously, that really needed to have someboy both A) ask the question and B) you thought it was serious enough to require an answer?

Page 13:
"RB.61H.02 – Q: If a vehicle has a weapon that can only be fired a certain number of times, and that weapon has been fully expended (such as firing a Hunter-Killer Missile, for example), does it still count as a „weapon‟ that can be destroyed by a „Weapon Destroyed‟ damage result?
A: No, weapons on a vehicle that cannot possibly fire for the rest of the game no longer count as weapons in regards to „Weapon Destroyed‟ damage results [rules change]."

So because you want to kill vehicles faster, you take away the point of a lot of people taking Single Use weapons. Thanks.

Page 15:

"RB.67C.01 – Q: If a lone Independent Character is embarked on a vehicle that is within 2” of a friendly unit, is the IC considered joined to that unit?
A: No, while an IC is embarked on a vehicle he cannot be joined to a unit that is outside of the vehicle [rules change]."

So, the part of the rules where it states that a unit can not be partially embarked on a vehicle does not cover this? Seriously?

RB.67F.01 – Q: When a transport vehicle suffers a „Destroyed – explodes!‟ result its passengers must be placed “where the vehicle used to be”. What exactly does this mean?
A: Passengers must be placed wholly inside the area of the table that the vehicle‟s hull previously occupied [clarification].
Any models that cannot fit entirely within this area or are within 1” of an enemy model are removed from play as a casualty. In addition, the models count as having disembarked from a vehicle (and so cannot assault the same turn if the vehicle wasn‟t open-topped, for example) [rules change].

And here you go on to both change a rule and kill a lot of orks. Orks have enough problems. Thanks again. FAILURE

The list goes on and on, but you get the Idea.

First I have to give the guys who wrote this thing credit for trying to answer EVERY stupid question people who don't know the rules ask.
And secondly I have to sarcastically thank them for putting it out there where everyone thinks it is a Cannon document that is in effect in every tournament.

No Thank you.

- Rant Off.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Terrain and the Beginings of Painted Space Marines.

First Off I'm needing to build a lot of terrain, so I sat down last night and build some buildings. Go Go Foamcore.

And the start of my painted Desert Moguls:
Only the Razorback is nearing completion so you can get an Idea of my Color Scheme.

Friday, June 18, 2010

How Much Is Too Much, And How Much Is Not Enough (Time)

So I've Been wondering recently, How much Time is not enough, and how much is too much?

I know that The BRB gives guidelines, but i've also noticed that their guidelines for games can be.... OFF.

So How long does a 2,000 point game take you to complete?

2 Hours? 2 and a Half?

Let me know.

And the second question is, how long would you want in a 2,000 point tournament to finish your game. Reasonably.

Thanks guys.

A Question of Sorts

While attending a Convention a few weeks ago, I was asked how I would go about makeing a standard space marine army that has the best ability to put long range fire power down the field.

Since Space marines are notorious for short ranged weapons, I had to give it a bit of thought, but this is what I've come up with.

SLOT Unit Upgrades

Army Total
HQ Master of the Forge


Conversion Beamer

Elite Dreadnought

Twin Linked Autocannon

Twin Linked Autocannon


Twin Linked Autocannon

Twin Linked Autocannon


Twin Linked Autocannon

Twin Linked Autocannon

Troops Scout Squad Unit of 10

Sniper Rifles - 8

Heavy Bolter (w/Hellfire)

Sergent Telion

Troops Scout Squad  Unit of 10

Sniper Rifles - 9

Heavy Bolter (w/ Hellfire)

Fast Attack Land Speeder Squadron Squadron of 3

Multi- Melta

Heavy Bolter x2

Typhoon x3

Fast Attack Land Speeder Squadron Squadron of 3

Multi Melta

Heavy Bolter x2

Typhoon x3

Fast Attack Land Speeder Squadron Squadron of 3


Heavy Bolter x2

Typhoon x3

Heavy Support Dreadnought

Twin Linked Autocannon

Twin Linked Autocannon

Heavy Support Predator


Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Heavy Support Predator


Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Now, i know it seems dreadfully short on most of the staples of a Standard SM force, but consider.

The scouts deploy on/near a ruin that has been bolstered by the MoF (3+ cover, 4+ armor)
and put down a LOT of Sniper Fire up to 36" away.

The 4 Dreads put out 16 Twin Linked S7 shots per turn.
The Preds add another 4 S7 and if still can add another 12 S5

The Heavy Hitters are the land speeders though.
They drop out a total of 18 S8 AP3 shots AND 18 S5 AP4 Shots AND 3 S8 AP1 Melta shots PER TURN.

and the MoF sits with the Scouts (squad not Telions) and can help or just add a blast template to their fire.

What would you make to do a Long Range Firepower list with Space Marines?

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kill Team... or where I learned to put hatred aside and buy some Imperial Guard..

So, I've decided to make a foray into Imperial Guard. My most despised army. I've always been of the opinion that Imperial Guard belong in Flames of war. (Since before there was a Flames of War and I just thought they should be in WWII miniature Historical gaming)

But with the decision to make myself a Kill Team army, I've decided that I'll give my most despised and never played 40k army a go.

Thus I've decided to go with the following:

Platoon Command Squad
- Plasma Gun x2
- Power Sword/Las Pistol Commander (preferred enemy)

Infantry Squad
- Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team (Relentless)

Infantry Squad
- Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team (Relentless)

Now for the kicker. To ensure that I will NEVER change this list once I make the purchase.... I'm doing them up as Death Corp of Krieg ers.

So before I splurge and spend the money,

How many of you have played kill team?
Thoughts on the game itself?
Thoughts on the list above?

Thoughts in general?

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Desert Moguls

So, the "Desert Moguls" are well and truely on their way to being built and painted.

The full army list (happened to come across a MKII army transport so am using that instead of the GW Small Case)

Korsorro Kahn on Moon Drakken

Command Squad
- Bikes
- Apoth
- Vet w/ Plasma, Lightning Claw
- Vet w/ Plasma, Lightning Claw, Storm Shield
- Vet w/ Plasma, Thunder Hammer
- Vet w/ Plasma, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield

- Smite (or avenger depending on if I want to switch it out), Null Zone
- Epistolary
- Bike

Tactical Squad
- Missile Launcher, Flamer
- Sarg w/ Bolt Pistol, Power Fist
- Razorback
   - Lascannon, Twin Linked Plasma Gun, Storm Bolter

Tactical Squad
- Missile Launcher, Flamer
- Sarg w/ Bolt Pistol, Power Fist
- Razorback
   - Lascannon, Twin Linked Plasma Gun, Storm Bolter

Bike Squad
- 2x Melta Guns
- 1x TL Bolters
- Multi-Melta attack Bike
- Sarg w/ Power Fist

Bike Squad
- 2x Melta Guns
- 1x TL Bolters
- Multi-Melta Attack Bike
- Sarg w/ Power Fist

Bike Squad
- 2x Flamers
- 1x TL Bolters
- Heavy Bolter Attack Bike
- Sarg w/ Power Fist

Devistator Squad
- Missile Launcher x4
- Bolter Marines x3
- Sarg w/ Signum
- Razorback
  - Lascannon, Twin Linked Plasma Gun, Storm Bolter

Devistator Squad
- Missile Launcher x4
- Bolter Marines x2
- Sarg w/ Signum
- Razorback
  - Lascannon, Twin Linked Plasma Gun, Storm Bolter

This gives me a 2495 point army.

I can easily make any size army from 1k to it's max at 2500 points and have room to spare in the AT. I'm now happy with my choices, but before i get everything finalized and all the models painted, any thoughts?

I've also decided to convert all of my Attack Bikes to look like this: