Now, given that I'm working from the WM MKII playtest rules as I have not yet gotten the Cryx 2010 Deck (on the to buy list for next week)
I have to come up with some warjacks to use.
I'm playing Deneghra/eDeneghra so I'll need a few Arc Nodes.
A few have appealed to me and in all honesty, I'm thinking that a Theme is in order. No, not a Tier.
So to start off with, lets look at the Lights (Bonejacks)
Basic 4pt Jack.
Arc Node
1 Attack with Sustained Attack.
-Chicken Head. I like the look of all the Chicken Jacks.
-I failed to notice on first look that the Sustained attack needs focus to keep it going. PS 13 is not bad, but with MAT 6, I'll need a decent roll just to hit the first time....
= Probably won't use.
5 pt Arc Node with a spray.
-I love sprays
-I really like sprays with POW 12.
=Will likely use this one the most.
-3pt = Cheap
- NO ARC NODE = Bad.
=a "Helldiver" screams flyer to me, but it's not a flyer, it's a burrower..... odd, and not what I'm looking for.
-another Chicken. :D.
-RAT 5 Shooter = not so good at all.
= Defiler is still better.
-Not a bad model,
- No Arc Node
- Not a bad choice if I take the Withershadow Combine, we shall see.
Canker Worm
-a Plethora of cool abilities
- No Arc Node
- Affinity for not my caster....
- at first glance while I like the model, I don't believe that it will fit my play style as it is focus intensive..... I think.
-Newest of the Chickens.
-Armor Piercing :D
-Arc Node!
=Arc Node + Armor Piercing = Win!
So for Bonejacks I'm looking at
-Several Defilers (2-3)
-Ripjaw (1-2)
So, I now have my Arc Nodes to cause havoc.
On to the Helljacks.
Denny has a Character affinity Jack.... That I hate. wow, that sucks.
However I'm lucky in that I love the best Jack in the game. Death Jack.
So I have at least 1 Heavy Jack.
I also Like the Seether. very focus efficient for my Focus hungry caster. and a very cool model.
So most lists will see one making an appearance.
So My lists are already shaping up to have:
-3 Defilers
-1 Ripjaw
So I'm looking at 26-27 points of a list already spent.
If I'm going for a 15 Point list, it will likely be:
-Death Jack
-Warwitch Siren
-Warwitch Siren
This gives me a Solid core of 2 Jacks, and 2 support solos, along with the DeathJack... never a bad thing.
next up is the Units (or unit :D)
Warhammer commission painting Deathguard 40k
3 months ago