Ok, so I've read through the RB, Read all my cards, explored the forums, listened to podcasts. and bent my experience of 40k to wraping my head around all the nuances that I can find. Some observations:
This game is not an army game. it's not a game that scales up properly. To me, anything above say...75 points that the game would become too long and unweildy.
So.... I'm sticking to the 50point mark and below. I can see the appeal of playing a 4 player game of 150 points with 3 warlocks/warcasters each over the course of a weekend, but in the end, I don't have the time or space to dedicate that much effort to this.
50 points however has a good time length, a lot of options, and a clear general to your warband.
So, as it's been recommended to me several times not to start with circle, and the fact that I've loved orks forever, I went with trollbloods to start. Bought a lot of models, did a bit of converting because that is what I do and have the following lists almost ready to play, and almost ready to paint.
Calandra, (soon to have) Gunbjorn
Dire Troll Bomber
Troll Impaler x2
Troll Axer
Swamp Troll
Fennblades (Full)
Pyg Burrowers (Full)
Fell Caller
Trollkin Champion Hero
Stone Scribe Chronicler
Trollkin Runebearer
Swamp Gobbers & Bellows Crew
Which will allow me to play in SR2010 with the following lists:
Calandra or Gunbjorn:
15 Points
Troll Impaler -5
Swamp Troll -4
Pyg Burrowers (L&9) -6
Fell Caller Hero -3
Trollblood Runebearer -2
25 Points
Troll Impaler -5
Dire Troll Bomber -10
Pyg Burrowers (L&9) -6
Fell Caller Hero -3
Trollblood Runebearer -2
Stone Scribe Chronicler -2
Troll Whelps -2
35 Points
Troll Impaler -5
Dire Troll Bomber -10
Fell Caller Hero -3
Trollblood Runebearer -2
Pyg Burrowers (L&9) -6
Trollblood Fennblades (L&9) -8
Trollkin Champion Hero -3
Stone Scribe Chronicler -2
Swamp Gobbers -1
50 Points
I'm still working on this list, but will get there eventually.
Warhammer commission painting Deathguard 40k
4 months ago
Trollbloods are a good "beat face" army to start with, so you'll probably enjoy it.