A small hive fleet, Argus earned it's name from the curious bio-forms that have no eyes, each and every Tyranid spawned by the Hive Fleet can see without the need for ocular device. It appears that they have all developed a keen echolocation ability, probably from their interactions with the worlds first encroached upon near the Twilight Stars. With little light present, the Hive Mind deemed fit to retrofit all of this Fleet's sensory organs with enhanced hearing and a greater link to the Hive Mind itself to get a Psychic reference point for it's sensory perception.
----- -- - Ordo Xeno's Inquisitors have dubbed this Offshoot fleet Hive Fleet Argus.- -- ----------
It appears that the entire fleet has a perception ability akin to that of the Hive Guard, while they are unable to adjust the trajectory of their bio-weaponry like that Hive Guard, they sense the enemy in the same way. This makes them an extremely dangerous enemy to face in any terrain as they seem to be able to "See" as well in any condition as if it were clear skies.
And that is the beginning of my fluff for my Tyranid Army.
Having perused quite a few forums, taken advice on changing, adjusting, and everything else, combined with a few playtesting games, I've come to a few further conclusions.
1. As much as I like the IDEA of Tyranofex's, at any point level below 2,000 they are a waste of points, as I can take elites for the same purpose and fill the role better.
2.Harpies are an awesome and yet surprisingly overlooked addition to this codex.
3. Tyranid Primes are far to under powered for what they do and what they provide for their points.
4. Tervigons are Great (Duh) but the upgrades are not worth it as it just makes them a more inviting target. And they kill your own gaunts. Keep them stock (with Catalyst) and call it a day. Otherwise you'll see a large portion of your army disappear with the tervigon's death.
So..... on to the list (in it's most current form):
Hive Tyrant
- Lash Whip, Bone Sword
- Scything Tallons
- Dessicator Larvae
Tyrant Guard x2
Zoanthrope x2
Hive Guard x2
Doom of Malan'Tai
- Mycetic Spore, Cluster Spines
Termagaunts x10
Termagaunts x10
- Catalyst
- Catalyst
- Twin Linked Heavy Venom Cannon
- Cluster Spines
- Regenerate
- Twin Linked Heavy Venom Cannon
- Cluster Spines
- Regenerate
Putting me at 1495.
I'm loving this list more and more, and the fact that I get to play with a lot of Green Stuff is always nice.
And in case anyone was wondering, The reason I've exchanged the Stinger Salvos for Cluster Spines is that with A BS of 2-3, I'd rather hit 4 with a template than 1-2 with 4 shots....
Warhammer commission painting Deathguard 40k
4 months ago
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